Using our very own horse hair analyzer we can test the strength and elasticity of the hair we sell. Using an airtight chamber we can also simulate environmental conditions such as humidity and altitude. We run each test at a different humidity to observe how the hair reacts and preforms. Our aim is to provide only the best horse hair.
View the video to see exactly how we test each brand of hair.
We love to hear from you! Have a question about a product or how to order? Send us an email or give us a call.
P.O Box 126, 841 Canso Dr., Gabriola
British Columbia, Canada, V0R 1X0
Phone: 1 800 650 BOWS (2697) / 250 247 8030
Keep up to date with new products and offers through our social media accounts. Have a question? Send us an email and we will be happy to help.
Sterling Silver Brand
Our strongest Siberian horse hair. Superb elasticity and strength that gives you a crisp natural white ribbon of hair that looks great on the bow. Perfect for Violin, Viola and Cello bows.